The Biology of Rotifers and Nematodes

Producer: eBioMEDIA

The diversity of rotifers is stunning, and this program shows many different species. Planktonic rotifers have special adaptations for open water life. Nematodes (round-worms) include a number of important human parasites, seldom seen but easily found. Tree moss, leaf litter, and compost piles swarm with nematodes.


Year of production: 2007 Format: VHS NTSC, DVD Running time: VHS NTSC 15 mins, DVD 20 mins Price: US$55.00 (VHS NTSC), US$ 68.00 (DVD)

The Biology of Rotifers and Nematodes The Biology of Rotifers and Nematodes The Biology of Rotifers and Nematodes The Biology of Rotifers and Nematodes The Biology of Rotifers and Nematodes The Biology of Rotifers and Nematodes

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